  • Sale!

    MIRACLES ALL AROUND YOU Bundle (Admin Adjustment)

    Original price was: $627.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    Pam: The sale price to buy all four of these audios is $126. So this would be a really good deal for them at $97. MIRACLES ALL AROUND YOU Bundle - Admin Adjustment Copy Per Client Request, all shippable items have been removed from this bundle. This spectacular bundle consists of the following items: FOUR COMPLETE ORIGINAL EVENT RECORDINGS 1. Breaking Free from the Past (value: $47) 2. Rewire Your Brain for Success (value: $97) 3. Rewire Your Brain for Happiness  (value: $97) 4. Rewire Your Brain for Connection to Source (value: $97) IMPORTANT & TIME SENSITIVE: It is imperative that you download your audios upon receipt of your purchase confirmation email, since the STORE will be closed for good on April 16th and Customer Service will be discontinued by the end of April. Any unforeseen issues will need attention within that time frame. Thank you for your understanding. PLEASE NOTE: Access information (download links) for your four audio recordings will not appear in the shopping cart, but will be sent directly to you in your purchase confirmation email. MIRACLES ALL AROUND YOU:  You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE
  • Sale!


    Original price was: $612.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    This beautiful Bundle is one of FIVE! You can see all Bundles HERE. Bundles are being updated on a daily basis now, as certain items are depleted from the inventory. Shop now, while supplies last. MIRACLES ALL AROUND YOU Bundle Included in this Bundle: FOUR COMPLETE ORIGINAL EVENT RECORDINGS 1. Breaking Free from the Past (value: $47) 2. Rewire Your Brain for Success (value: $97) 3. Rewire Your Brain for Happiness  (value: $97) 4. Rewire Your Brain for Connection to Source (value: $97) 5. The Three Energy Processes (value: $47 PLUS THESE IRREPLACEABLE ENERGIZED ITEMS + Mini Light Wand (original price: $147) + Wish Angel (original price: $45) + 7-Stone Chakra Pendant (original price; $35) + Getting Life to Cooperate CD (value $97) + Miracles All Around You & Expect a Miracle GEMS From Jo (priceless) + Pray ... As If You Have Already Received It GEM From Jo (priceless) Getting Life to Cooperate is Jo's widely acclaimed audio CD recorded in high vibrational 'silence' and offered here as a FREE GIFT with your purchase of the Lightbody Bundle. This incredible, inimitable audio brings the total Bundle value to $709. Awesome! SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN FOR THE DETAILED LISTING OF EACH  ITEM IN THIS BUNDLE!  IMPORTANT & TIME SENSITIVE: It is imperative that you download your audios upon receipt of your purchase confirmation email, since the STORE will be closed for good on April 16th and Customer Service will be discontinued by the end of April. Any unforeseen issues will need attention within that time frame. Thank you for your understanding. PLEASE NOTE: Access information (download links) for your four audio recordings will not appear in the shopping cart, but will be sent directly to you in your purchase confirmation email. Bundles are sold 'as assembled' ... no exchanging or swapping out content possible. MIRACLES ALL AROUND YOU:  You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE EXPECT A MIRACLE:  You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE  
  • Sale!

    PEACE OF MIND Bundle

    Original price was: $529.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    This beautiful Bundle is one of FIVE! You can see all Bundles HERE.  Bundles are being updated on a daily basis now, as certain items are depleted from the inventory. Shop now, while supplies last. PEACE OF MIND Bundle  Included in this Bundle: FOUR COMPLETE ORIGINAL ENERGIZED AUDIO DOWNLOADS 1. Breaking Free from Stress & Overwhelm (value: $47) 2. Breaking Free from Worry & Fear (value: $47) 3. Breaking Free from Financial Struggle (value: $47) 4. Rewire Your Brain for Connection to Source (value: $97) PLUS THE FOLLOWING IRREPLACEABLE ENERGIZED ITEMS + Rose Quartz Wish Angel (original price: $45) + Mini Light Wand (original price: $147) + 7-Stone Chakra Pendant (original price: $35) + Chakra Coin (original price: $45) + Little Inspirational Book (original price: $19.95) + Getting Life to Cooperate CD (value $97) + PEACE: Archived loving note from Jo (priceless) + Be Still & Know All Is Well GEM From Jo (priceless) Getting Life to Cooperate is Jo's widely acclaimed audio CD recorded in high vibrational 'silence' and offered here as a FREE GIFT with your purchase of the Lightbody Bundle. This incredible, inimitable audio brings the total Bundle value to $629.00.  Awesome! SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN FOR THE DETAILED LISTING OF EACH  ITEM IN THIS BUNDLE!  IMPORTANT & TIME SENSITIVE: It is imperative that you download your audios upon receipt of your purchase confirmation email, since the STORE will be closed for good on April 16th and Customer Service will be discontinued by the end of April. Any unforeseen issues will need attention within that time frame. Thank you for your understanding. PLEASE NOTE: Access information (download links) for your four audio recordings will not appear in the shopping cart, but will be sent directly to you in your purchase confirmation email. Bundles are sold ‘as assembled’ … no exchanging or swapping out content possible. PEACE (digital image): From the archives, you can read one of Jo's beautiful messages from the past, wishing you Peace HERE KNOW ALL IS WELL: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE.     
  • Sale!

    SELF LOVE Bundle

    Original price was: $512.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    This beautiful Bundle is one of FIVE! You can see all Bundles HERE. Bundles are being updated on a daily basis now, as certain items are depleted from the inventory. Shop now, while supplies last. SELF LOVE Bundle Included in this Bundle: FOUR COMPLETE ORIGINAL EVENT RECORDINGS 1. Breaking Free from the Past (value: $47) 2. Breaking Free from Excess Weight (value: $47) 3. Breaking Free from Clutter & Disorganization (value: $47) 4. Rewiring Your Brain for Healthy Habits (value: $97) 5. The Three Energy Processes (value $47 PLUS THESE IRREPLACEABLE ENERGIZED ITEMS + Mini Light Wand (original price: $147) + Wish Angel (original price: $45) + 7-Stone Chakra Pendant (original price; $35) + Getting Life to Cooperate CD (value $97) + You Are Loved; archived Valentine note from Jo (priceless) + Treat Yourself Like a Beloved Child GEM From Jo (priceless) Getting Life to Cooperate is Jo's widely acclaimed audio CD recorded in high vibrational 'silence' and offered here as a FREE GIFT with your purchase of the Lightbody Bundle. This incredible, inimitable audio brings the Bundle value to $609. Awesome! SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN FOR THE DETAILED LISTING OF EACH  ITEM IN THIS BUNDLE!  IMPORTANT & TIME SENSITIVE: It is imperative that you download your audios upon receipt of your purchase confirmation email, since the STORE will be closed for good on April 16th and Customer Service will be discontinued by the end of April. Any unforeseen issues will need attention within that time frame. Thank you for your understanding. PLEASE NOTE: Access information (download links) for your four audio recordings will not appear in the shopping cart, but will be sent directly to you in your purchase confirmation email. Bundles are sold ‘as assembled’ … no exchanging or swapping out content possible. YOU ARE LOVED (digital image):  From the archives (2023), you can read see Jo's beautiful Valentine message to you HERE BELOVED CHILD: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE
  • Sale!

    HAPPINESS Bundle

    Original price was: $529.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    This beautiful Bundle is one of FIVE! You can see all Bundles HERE. Bundles are being updated on a daily basis now, as certain items are depleted from the inventory. Shop now, while supplies last. HAPPINESS Bundle Included in this Bundle: FOUR ORIGINAL ENERGIZED AUDIO DOWNLOADS 1. Rewire Your Brain for Happiness (value $97) 2. Breaking Free from the Past (value $47) 3. Breaking Free from Stress & Overwhelm (value $47) 4. 3 Energy Processes: Basic Essentials of Living  (value $47) PLUS THE FOLLOWING IRREPLACEABLE ENERGIZED ITEMS + Rose Quartz Wish Angel (original price: $45) + Mini Light Wand (original price: $147) + 7-Stone Chakra Pendant (original price: $35) + Chakra Coin (original price: $45) + Little Inspirational Book (original price: $19.95) + Getting Life to Cooperate CD (value $97) + Live From Your Heart GEM from Jo (priceless) + Life Is Amazing  GEM from Jo (priceless) Getting Life to Cooperate is Jo's widely acclaimed audio CD recorded in high vibrational 'silence' and offered here as a FREE GIFT with your purchase of the Lightbody Bundle. This incredible, inimitable audio brings the total Bundle value to $626.00. Awesome! SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN FOR THE DETAILED LISTING OF EACH  ITEM IN THIS BUNDLE!  IMPORTANT & TIME SENSITIVE: It is imperative that you download your audios upon receipt of your purchase confirmation email, since the STORE will be closed for good on April 16th and Customer Service will be discontinued by the end of April. Any unforeseen issues will need attention within that time frame. Thank you for your understanding. PLEASE NOTE: Access information (download links) for your four audio recordings will not appear in the shopping cart, but will be sent directly to you in your purchase confirmation email. Bundles are sold ‘as assembled’ … no exchanging or swapping out content possible. LIVE FROM YOUR HEART: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE. LIFE IS AMAZING: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE.
  • Sale!


    Original price was: $683.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    This beautiful Bundle is one of FIVE! You can see all Bundles HERE. Jo speaks about the Light Wand HERE. SHINE YOUR LIGHT Bundle This spectacular bundle consists of the following items: THREE ORIGINAL ENERGIZED AUDIO DOWNLOADS 1. 3 Energy Processes: Basic Essentials of Living (value: $47) 2. Abundance: Aligning the Heart & Mind to Prosperity (value: $197) 3. Rewire Your Brain for Connection to Source (value: $97) PLUS THE FOLLOWING IRREPLACEABLE ENERGIZED ITEMS + Original Light Wand (original price: $297) + Chakra Pendant (original price: $45) + Getting Life to Cooperate CD (value $97) + Shine Your Light GEM From Jo (priceless) + Stay in the Light Lane GEM From Jo (priceless) + Where Are You In The Light Spectrum GEM from Jo (priceless) Getting Life to Cooperate is Jo's widely acclaimed audio CD recorded in high vibrational 'silence' and offered here as a FREE GIFT with your purchase of the Lightbody Bundle. This incredible, inimitable audio brings the total Bundle value to $780. Awesome! IMPORTANT & TIME SENSITIVE: It is imperative that you download your audios upon receipt of your purchase confirmation email, since the STORE will be closed for good on April 16th and Customer Service will be discontinued by the end of April. Any unforeseen issues will need attention within that time frame. Thank you for your understanding. PLEASE NOTE: Access information (download links) for your three audio recordings will not appear in the shopping cart, but will be sent directly to you in your purchase confirmation email. Bundles are sold ‘as assembled’ … no exchanging or swapping out content possible. SHINE YOUR LIGHT: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE. STAY IN THE LIGHT LANE: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE.  WHERE ARE YOU IN THE LIGHT SPECTRUM: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE. 
  • Sale!


    Original price was: $902.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    COME HOME TO YOUR HEART Bundle This spectacular bundle consists of the following treasured items: - THREE COMPLETE ORIGINAL EVENT RECORDINGS 1. Inner Knowing (valued at $197) 2. Come Home To Your Heart (valued at $197) 3. Open Your Wings (valued @ $197) - ONE MINI LIGHT WAND (original value $147) - ONE ROSE QUARTZ WISH ANGEL (original value $45) - out of stock - 3 Wish Angel added. - ONE FREE GIFT AUDIO CD: Jo's highly acclaimed Getting Life to Cooperate (value $97) PLEASE NOTE: These three events were among Jo’s favorites, and she often stated how they capture the essence of her Foundational Wisdom. They served as the inspiration for this powerful Bundle collection. It is no wonder Jo wished to have these audio recordings offered in lieu of a traditional Valentine message for this, her final Valentine to you. A genuine expression of Pure Love! These 3 events were first released in 2020 and not again since then. Available with this Bundle as digital downloads for the first time ever!      
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    Original price was: $626.00.Current price is: $97.00.
    The Magnificent You Bundle! Rare, powerful, stunningly beautiful. A reminder from Jo that YOU are magnificent in every way! If ever there was an offering that was magnificent, this is it! Here are just a few reasons why... A TRIPLE EVENT:  This Bundle consists of three full event recordings from the Restore Your Divine Blueprint Series that was originally presented in 2018, with incredible feedback from all who attended. You can visit the original webpage for FULL details on this incredible trio of events HERE. Jo's intention was to offer you the powerful triple event again, knowing how very beneficial it could be for you. And so it was scheduled for release back in the spring of 2023 at the time she shared her "Be The Magnificent You" Gem From Jo. Perhaps you remember that GEM. (Included for you here.) That event release got postponed when a different brand new offering was scheduled instead, so the Restore Your Divine Blueprint series took its place in queue for a more perfect time. That time is now, per Jo's timeline she outlined for us so meticulously prior to her passing. ENERGIZED CHAKRA PENDANT: Also included in this Bundle is Jo's beautiful energized 7 Stone Chakra Pendant. The gemstones were carefully selected to carry the frequency of their corresponding chakras, addressing the Body, Mind and Spirit in all its forms. Offering this energetic support to the 7 chakras helps further align your Divine Blueprint —and vice versa— strengthening the Body, Mind, and Spirit axis of Energy. BE THE MAGNIFICENT YOU: You can print this beautiful GEM from Jo HERE. FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE: The Magnificent You Bundle qualifies for a free CD of Jo's highly acclaimed audio Getting Life to Cooperate. This CD will automatically be added to your shipment when you complete your purchase. An additional $97 dollar value, bringing the combined total value of this Bundle to $723. A most attractive offer in every way. All in all, this is truly a magnificent opportunity and should serve you well in many areas of your life, just as Jo intended when she created it for you.
  • Sale!


    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $18.00.
    Uniquely designed and individually infused with Energy from Source by Jo Dunning to help support your Awakening. This gorgeous Artisan crafted pendant is comprised of 7 stones, stacked vertically to mirror your body's chakra system. Each stone was selected for its color and metaphysical properties to represent one of the 7 chakras: garnet, carnelian, citrine, peridot, aquamarine, iolite and amethyst. Can be paired with a delicate silver chain (not included), with thin necklace cording like leather, or whatever suits your personal style. This beautiful pendant can also be used in jewelry making. Purchase two to make a unique pair of earrings by sliding the top silver clasp onto a small hoop earring! Comes nestled in a box lined with silky fabric and a see through top, making a lovely presentation for gift giving.
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    Prayer Flags

    Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $9.00.
    Set of Seven Flags: Designed and energized by Jo Dunning, these flags are commonly referred to as Prayer Flags, reminiscent of the traditional Tibetan style. Jo liked to call them Life Changing Flags to reflect the positive changes these flags create for your Body, Mind and Spirit. Each of the flags in this set features the classic symbol of one of the seven chakras and its corresponding color. Root Chakra (red); Sacral Chakra (orange); Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow), Heart Chakra (green); Throat Chakra (blue); Third Eye Chakra (indigo); Crown Chakra (violet). These flags makes a gorgeous addition to any room in your home or to your work place, adding Source Energy to your surroundings. They look particularly lovely hanging in a window where the light can shine on and through the very delicate, yet vibrantly colored fabric. Note: Jo Dunning's audio CD, Getting Life to Cooperate, will be added to your order as a FREE thank you gift. (A $97 value.)   
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    Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $8.00.
    Individually hand held and energized by Jo Dunning to specifically amplify Prosperity and Wellbeing. Known as the stone of compassion, Peridot is believed to bring good health, restorative sleep, intellectual support, and peace to relationships. It is praised for its ability to help balance the emotions and the mind. It can also assist in physical, emotional and spiritual purification, aiding in the removal of toxins from the body, and in overcoming feelings of resentment and jealousy. A wonderful gem selection to help open the Heart and Mind to Universal Grace and Gratitude. Wear it as a lovely necklace, wrap it on your wrist like a bracelet or just keep it in your car, purse or on your desk to receive its helpful energies. This beautiful chip strand is perfectly suited to jewelry making and can be turned into multiple treasures, such as a single strand necklace, 'choker' necklaces, bracelets, or rings. Looks gorgeous combined with other gemstone chip strands energized by Jo (i.e. full strands of amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz, etc.)
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    Mini Light Wand

    Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $47.00.
    The Mini Light Wand is a powerful small tool to assist the body, mind and emotions with maintaining balance. This simple looking device is aligned with Universal Life Force, which is the Energy that enlivens and maintains all life. The Mini Light Wand is convenient for travel. It functions in the same way as the larger Light Wand and is effective in a wide variety of situations.
    • Assist the body to restore itself
    • Help emotions become calm and balanced
    • Improve mental functions
    • Help pets and plants
    • Harmonize and enliven food and water
    It is a tremendously powerful tool that has people commenting about the great changes they experienced. You can easily take it with you everywhere since it looks much like an ordinary flashlight. Yet it carries a powerful alignment with Source that has already changed many lives. In fact, it has created such amazing changes some people think of it as their Miracle Light. This is your opportunity to own a powerful tool you can use on yourself, pets and even other people. This tool is directly aligned with Source Energy to help you in so many ways in your life. You can also listen to Jo's brief audio tutorial (HERE) regarding the detailed instructions.  She makes the information fun, and easy to understand and assimilate. NOTE:  4 LR44 batteries needed (not included) See all Light Wand Options HERE. PLEASE NOTE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW.
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    The Dance of Life – DVD

    Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $10.00.
    In this beautiful and ethereal DVD presentation, Jo Dunning demonstrates an ancient form of prayer shown to her through her Guidance. This prayer uses the combined focus of Body, Mind, and Being to provide healing, balance, and expansion of Consciousness. This powerful form of prayer is a blend of many Spiritual disciplines creating the Mudra Meditation called the Dance of Life. The sacred hand positions of these ancient Mudras connect directly into the Divine Energy of Creation. If you have ever attended Jo's event 'Activations of Awakening', you may recognize the sequence of these Mudras from that presentation. This DVD takes you sequentially, rhythmically through each hand position in the Dance of Life, step by step.
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    Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $7.00.
    Price for 1: $19.95 - final sale price: $7 Price for Set of 3: $47 - final sale price: $17 This delightful little book is filled with inspiring quotes from Jo. Her wise and loving words offer a refreshing view of life. The quotes offer wonderful insights, suggest a new way to navigate challenges, or offer a reminder about a secret of life. Each quote is energized to assist with receiving its wisdom and insight. The book is a perfect size to carry with you or stand it up to view a new quote to inspire you each day of the month. Size: 3 x 4"
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    Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $17.00.
    Price for 1: $19.95 final sale $7  | Set of 3: $47 final sale $17 This delightful little book is filled with inspiring quotes from Jo. Her wise and loving words offer a refreshing view of life. The quotes offer wonderful insights, suggest a new way to navigate challenges, or offer a reminder about a secret of life. Each quote is energized to assist with receiving its wisdom and insight. The book is a perfect size to carry with you or stand it up to view a new quote to inspire you each day of the month. Size: 3 x 4"
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    Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $10.00.
    This is a captivating story of the inner journey in the 'cave of our consciousness' and the treasures that await there. This adventure is created and told by Jo Dunning in her amazing style of rhythm and words and contains transformational energy which is active on the recording to assist each listener in taming their 'Dragon in the Cave'.
  • Sale!
    The CD version is FREE with each physical order shipped. LIFE can be challenging these days, with all of its ups and downs, twists and turns, and impending uncertainties. How WONDERFUL would that be to posses an energetic tool to help you navigate these uncertainties, raise your vibration, and find a new level of inner peace and balance?! And all at the mere push of a button! Well, leave it to Jo Dunning to develop just such an energetic support tool! Getting Life To Cooperate offers a truly unique way to help improve your Life in so many ways! So unique that the audio recording of this Energy transmission cannot be duplicated or even copied to a different recording format (i.e. mp3 or wav files). This audio recording carries an exceptionally high vibration. It is filled solely with a powerful transmission of Source Energy encoded in pure, deep Silence. That's right ... Silence! The experience is extraordinary! You can use this CD at night when sleeping, when you meditate, at work, when in public or alone at home. Praised as a genuine classic, it is a veritable masterpiece of profound and life changing energies. Wow! Please Note: The CD version is FREE with each physical order shipped, and will be added automatically to the shipment. (While supplies last. Limit one per order.) The Digital Download version is not part of the FREE GIFT offer, but is sold separately. To purchase just the CD version without a qualifying shipped order, or to purchase the Digital Download version, click on 'Choose an Option' below, and select CD or AUDIO DOWNLOAD.
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • Sale!
    These are recordings of Jo as she easily and joyfully carries on inspiring conversations, while the energy is present, assisting lives to change, hearts to fill with love and consciousness to Awaken.
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • Sale!


    Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $10.00.
    In these 3 powerful recorded workshops, Jo Dunning presents her own personal method of Expanding Consciousness and Awakening which she discovered on her spiritual journey and has used for many years! Now she has combined all of these insights into a simple method you can easily use to transform your own consciousness and life. During each workshop, Jo Dunning offers powerful energy work and processes, tuned just for you, to help you easily master each of The 5 Steps to Enlightenment. In addition to the specific energy processes, she also fills the entire workshop with life changing energy.
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • Sale!


    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $75.00.
    LISTEN TO Jo speak about the Light Wand and its many uses HERE. The Light Wand is a powerful tool to assist the body, mind and emotions with maintaining balance. It can assist your body, mind, emotions, food, animals and plants. The Light Wand has already been successfully used in many different situations to:
    • Assist the body to restore itself
    • Help emotions become calm and balanced
    • Improve mental functions
    • Help pets and plants
    • Harmonize and enliven food and water
    It is a tremendously powerful tool that has people commenting about the great changes they experienced. You can easily take it with you everywhere since it looks much like an ordinary flashlight. Yet it carries a powerful alignment with Source that has already changed many lives. In fact, it has created such amazing changes some people think of it as their Miracle Light. This is your opportunity to own a powerful tool you can use on yourself, pets and even other people. This tool is directly aligned with Source Energy to help you in so many ways in your life. See all Light Wand Options HERE. NOTE:  2 AAA batteries needed (not included) PLEASE NOTE UPDATED INSTRUCTIONS BELOW.
  • Sale!

    THE WISH ANGEL Helps Grant 3 Wishes

    Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $10.00.
    The Wish Angel - Helps Grant 3 Wishes These special Wish Angels are hand carved from Rose Quartz. Each Angel has been specially programmed with the Manifesting Energy from Source to help grant the recipient three special wishes. Even when the wishes have been used, the Wish Angel will continue to be a beautiful decorative piece that radiates the vibration of love to everything around. Its soothing and peaceful energy makes it a treasure to keep close always. Each Wish Angel comes with a keepsake card expressing Jo's personal wish for you! A unique and irreplaceable heirloom you are sure to treasure.
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    Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $18.00.
    Carry the Awakened images of all the chakras as they radiate energy to assist in your Full Awakening. Perfect to assist you through each day as you carry the coin in your pocket or purse, or place it near you on your desk or night stand. This original piece, created by Jo Dunning, is beautifully crafted featuring the Awakened Crown Chakra on one side encircled by an OM design. The other side displays the remaining 6 Awakened Chakras surrounded by Jo’s Five Steps to Enlightenment. This beautiful Chakra Coin comes in a velvet presentation gift box.
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    Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $14.00.
    Now you can help calm and open your Heart and the Hearts of those you love. This large magnificent Heart is made of very high quality rose quartz and will fill your room and your life with the wonderful vibration of Love. This Heart has been specially energized by Jo with Energy from Source to radiate this vibration to help nourish and enhance the well being of everything around it. It is the perfect gift of Love for your self or your loved ones. It adds a lovely touch of beauty and elegance to your home or work. Each Heart is beautifully hand crafted of semi precious Rose Quartz with slight variations in size and color.
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