Sale!Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited. Breaking Free from The Past is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date. When we go through various challenges in life, we often carry that stress and energetic imprint with us long after the challenging incident is over. That stress can continue to shape our expectations in very limiting ways. We have all had times when we were disappointed, heart broken, betrayed, misunderstood, unloved, discouraged, hurt, lonely and so many other experiences. These can continue to influence us even after we have moved on in life and perhaps don’t even remember them. Now more than ever, the Breaking Free process can help you become free of those old experiences and limitations and once more begin to enjoy a fresh new start at life. [Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]
Sale!Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited. Breaking Free from Clutter & Disorganization is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date. Do you ever wish you could organize your life better, use your time a little differently or create a system to keep things in order? Whatever your challenge, the Energy Processes in this workshop will help you solve your clutter and organization issues. And it will help give you the wisdom, focus and insight needed to more easily create your solutions and organize your life so it works best for you. This Breaking Free Workshop can help you become free of those old patterns and limitations and once more begin to enjoy a fresh new start at life. [Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]
Sale!Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited. Breaking Free from Excess Weight is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date. Jo designed this workshop to help you ease your body back to a healthier size and shape that is just perfect for you! As you shed excess body weight and watch your physical appearance improve, there is an additional benefit to this. The Energy Processes in this workshop helps you also drop excess emotional baggage along the way. What a simple and powerful way to get back into shape, and live life with more Lightness of Being! [Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]
Sale!Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited. Breaking Free from Financial Struggle is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date. This workshop will focus on you personally and the financial challenges you face right now. It will also provide special Energy Processes to help shift the financial challenges which might be heading your way in the future. You deserve to have a wonderful life, free from worries about your financial well being and future. It is important to know you have the finances to live comfortably, and enjoy life. [Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]
Sale!Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited. Breaking Free from Worry & Fear is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date. This workshop will focus on you personally and the challenges you face right now. It will provide a special Energy Process to assist you in letting go of worry and fear so you can have a more comfortable life– stay balanced, more focused and create the life you want and deserve. Whatever your concerns or worries, this Breaking Free Workshop is here to energetically assist you in releasing old patterns that are holding you back. [Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]
Sale!Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited. Breaking Free from Stress & Overwhelm is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date. We live in a stressful world, no doubt about it. Has the heavy burden of stress and overwhelm been negatively impacting your sense of joy, freedom and well being? Jo designed this workshop with a highly specialized Energy Process to help you clear away stress and overwhelm, and to help make you more resilient to it in the future! This is a simple, comfortable and comforting way to help make your life so much better! [Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]