How People Describe Jo
“Jo is palpably real.
Thought provoking. Deeply calming.
A new journey every time.”
“Powerful! She is soft and easy to be around and yet so very powerful.
I always feel I am valued and stand taller when I listen to her speak.
Her work is very real and gives you a sense of knowing.”
“Jo is a master.
I experience calmness and unconditional love whenever I attend sessions with her.
Thank you Jo. Lucky to be part of your network.”
“Jo Dunning is one of those healers that is always there
when I need her and I know that with rare exception I’ll get the results
I expect or better. Jo is magnificent.”
“Jo has a wonderful, warm energy about her.
Her wisdom and caring radiate
through the live calls and recordings.”
“The knowledge she shares
comes from inner experience and acceptance
which is why I respect what she shares.”
“I feel energized immediately when listening to Jo.
She is able to transfer energy remotely.
Listening to her relaxes me and gives me a sense of peace. She is amazing.”
“A profound teacher. She speaks the truths she has learned through personal experience.
No lineage, just a life path of spiritual learning. A pure connection to Source energy.
She creates shifts in my life and understanding of life by speaking and using energy processes.”
“She is a great teacher who talks in a simple and playful way,
helping thousands of people in so many ways with her wisdom, compassion,
natural, humility and healing too on many levels.
I am always very glad and grateful to participate in her events.”
“Jo is an angel incarnate! Her energy is beautiful and so powerful.
She offers it easily for anyone who would like to receive it.
She is so respective of everyone’s free will.
She is the living embodiment of a spiritual being. I love Jo Dunning!!!”
“Jo Dunning is a wonderful enlightened soul who understands
how to work with energy of all kinds, and can guide it to help others
for healing, personal enhancement and expansion,
and just about any situation imaginable.”
“Jo seems to be an extremely sensitive and aware person, sincerely caring,
and truly compassionate individual with the highest and best good of all at heart.
Her loving nature shines through, through and through,
and maybe that is because she is mostly At One with All That Is.
She is incredibly generous with giving of her love, with her many free offerings.”
“I would describe Jo as one of the most loving and compassionate healers
on the Planet today. She gives of herself in ways that can only be described
as magical and full of grace. Her connection with the Source energy is truly amazing.
Through her loving intention she creates many energy processes that are miraculous
in what they can accomplish. They are truly amazing.”
“Jo is the real deal..she is warm, genuine, playful, loving and fun!
Jo cares about the world and all of us in it. Her work is remarkable
and her activations, powerful and effective. Jo is an advocate for all mankind
and I am so grateful to have her on our side 🙂 Jo is one of those western women
saving the world! You will LOVE her!!!”
“Jo is an enormously gifted energy healer. She is an Angelic being disguised in a human body.
Jo is brilliant, humble, non-judgmental and wise. She is always compassionate and gracious.
Jo has developed miraculous energy techniques that are life-changing. What sets Jo apart
from all others is that she recognizes the source of these healing gifts (pun intended)
and she never takes credit for the work and its amazing results.”
“Jo is a very gifted angel with large wings!
She has a gift for explaining any of life’s moments to the average individual
and it makes perfect sense. She is a healer, an animal lover as well as lover
of all things. She has blessed me multiple times with energy from “Source”.
She is a blessing to the world.”
“Jo Dunning is the definitive voice of this new age of energy transformation taking place now. Her understanding and practical explanation of these miraculous changes to our bodies and to this world and beyond makes her the Moses of our age as we prepare to follow her anywhere.
As a teacher, her humble manner and gentle voice offset the amazing information she relays so carefully for the most accuracy. As a healer, she gives of herself and her energy processes without limit. Her energy resonates through us with the processes. We are so lucky to have Jo to lead us through the transformation.”
“Jo is an amazing healer and a loving, kind person who truly wants to assist humanity on our paths to wellness and to higher consciousness. Her love comes through in the energy and wisdom of her words when she speaks.
The first time I ever listened to her I could feel her energy and I knew she was the real deal. I have followed her teachings ever since and I went to CA and took the Quick Pulse course which was a remarkable experience.
Thank you so much, Jo. I appreciate and love you.”
What People Experience at Events, Activations and Initiations with Jo Dunning
“Thank you for this gift of love! I have been calm and feeling happy for the first time in months! My mind has been clear and focused. I feel energized and the feeling of hope is back! I can feel more miracles are on their way! Many blessings to you!”
“(Activations of Awakening) So beautiful…what blessing. I feel so peaceful, relaxed, loved. Universe has put its arms around me.
Thank you so much!
From deepest part of my heart for this Activation.”
“Dear Jo, Want to report on fabulous results already happening from “Step to the Next Level“.
Worked on finances…was just 81 this week and had been having issues managing on social security even though I have some income from jewelry I design and sell. Well… got the biggest checks ever from the two galleries I deal with this month, finally have excess cash on hand.
I live in Hawaii and on top of that list was a cruise around the islands. Went for a massage and while working on me, she mentioned a friend had passed right after Christmas and now she had no one to take the cruise around the islands with! :>) Guess who her new partner to travel with is? Yes, me!!!
Also am furnishing a senior housing apt. I just moved into and followed up on a craigslist ad and ended up with some wonderful pieces at $5 each (spent $30) and the vintage Chinese chests and furniture is easily worth hundreds… wow, and looks like the changes are still coming. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…. Lots of Love and Gratitude!!!”
“Thank You for the Activations of Awakening Gift last night. This is the fourth time I’ve participated and it’s powerful every time. Looking back at my life, I notice how easily it has flowered and changed dramatically over the past few years.
I know the energy work you do is a big part of it.
Thank You so MUCH!”
“Thank you Jo! I loved the Activations of Awakening event last week! Since then, I am feeling a deeper realization unfolding that everything I see in my life is a reflection of Divine Me. Instead of seeing the separateness or difference of others, I am seeing and feeling the Divine connection. It is an abundantly rewarding perspective. Seeing everything reflecting the Divine is Wonderful. Thank You soooo much for All that You do and for following your path to Oneness.”
“(Activations of Awakening) Many, many blessings, Jo. I want to thank you for your huge service to humanity today. I pray that everyone who was listening today was able to receive the huge gift I received from you, and God today. I awoke at 6 am this morning with tears streaming down my cheeks. I no longer felt afraid and just trying to protect myself and survive. Because of what you gave during the workshop, I now feel peaceful in my mind, body, and emotions. I can feel my heart which I so longed for. I don’t have the words to sufficiently express my gratitude to you for you. You are a blessing in my life.”
“I wanted to Thank You Jo for the awesome and inspiring Activations of Awakening yesterday! I did actually feel the opening when my pineal gland accepted the beautiful gift. At the close of the Activation I was laughing and crying with so much joy! The joy, laughter and tears were spontaneous and real! What happiness to feel my heart chakra so open, connected and full of Love!!!! So Alive!”
“I’d just like to express my gratitude to Jo. I just finished listening to Jo’s monthly teleconference. I have been consciously and actively involved in my own Awakening process and as such I participate in many workshops, materials, etc. I feel myself growing and Awakening steadily, however, the feeling that I get from Jo’s calls is like nothing I experience elsewhere.
I make a personal commitment to never miss a call because I know how great I feel when I am in Jo’s presence. The sense of hope and the feeling of being lifted up is simply indescribable. Most powerful though is the sense of pure love that I feel from Jo. For that, I’d like to express my profound gratitude, joy and love. Thank you so much.”
“Thank you Jo, from the bottom of my heart. You have helped me have the courage and trust to change my life beyond anything I could have imagined.
You are a GIFT FROM GOD!!!!!”
“Hello and thank you, Jo. I’ve experienced so much benefit from the monthly Quick Pulse events that I thought I had covered everything and didn’t need any more. Then, since I’ve already been feeling so much better, I decided to see what would happen if I focused on even greater health and vitality. The very next day and ever since then, my feeling of energy and fitness is over the top! Thank you Jo!!! Next I’m going to focus on even more financial abundance! What I choose seems to come true! This is so much fun! Thank you again Jo.”
Testimonials for Products by Jo Dunning
“I received Jo’s ‘silent CD’ (Getting Life to Cooperate) in the mail a couple of weeks ago and am listening to it often. When it is on I find myself smiling, singing, gentle with people, positive, creative in my thinking and sometimes wondering ‘oh I am in such a pleasant mood this morning, isn’t that lovely’. Then I remember: ahhh… Jo’s silent CD is on! 🙂 Thank you!!”
“For about the past 2 years I have participated in almost all that you have offered and feel so blessed to have been led to you. Your Energy Processes have been miraculous in so many ways and the Silent CD, Getting Life to Cooperate, helps me sleep at night, something I’d not been able to do for years.”
“This magnificent opportunity (Activations of Awakening) is exactly what I need at this time in my life. Thank you for your generosity and kindness in supporting each of us and for sharing your wonderful gift and energy for the well-being of the world!”
“Thank you Jo for helping me remember the power I have! I have been battling a long term draining physical illness. I have been carrying a positive thought like you suggested and tapping into the energy by using “A Gift From Jo” on YouTube each morning. It has only been a week and I am fully recovered! I actually noticed the change in only two days; but I have been so afraid to believe it could be true!!! But it is TRUE! I love you! Thank you so much!”
“Dear Jo, This morning after the amazing energy processes in the Brain workshop last night, I felt completely in love with myself. My judging thoughts about myself are gone. This may be the biggest gift I’ve ever gotten in my life! Many thanks and much love to you!!!”
“I want to share thanks and gratitude for The Breaking Free series, it makes growth accessible, hands-on and peaceful.”
“(Breaking Free) This was so much more that the name implied! Thank you for a life altering process! I struggled a bit the day after, so much was shifting and there was resistance, but after that, amazing the difference in how I’m living my days. Thank you!”
ABUNDANCE:Â Aligning the Heart & Mind to Prosperity
“I send my grateful thanks for this Abundance Workshop. As a result, I am able to ‘see’ the clouds and dark in my brain that were a result of PTSD. Not only did I see the dark and clouds, but as I did, I was able to see their beauty, for they protected me from what I could not handle and could not bear to see. Now that I have come so far in my healing, I was able to send a river of love from my heart to my brain. It was as though the whole dark grey matter was lit up and nourished with love. Sending love and gratitude to the critical, fearful, closed parts of my brain, allowed me to see the Divinity within it all. My brain is now ready and willing to open in ways that have been closed for decades.”
“This third workshop tonight in the Abundance Series was so powerful and Divinely opening for me. How can I thank you enough. My love and appreciation and reverence for you and your great love and gifts to this world is beyond words. I was thinking of how to describe you to a friend who needs spiritual healing, hope and support, and the images that came to me were a combination of Quan Yin, a fairy godmother and a great Goddess. Of course, I recognize you as a Master, and I honor and give heartfelt gratitude for everything you are and do.
In deepest love and respect.”
“Dear Jo … The Abundance Series is priceless… Never in my life have I felt so connected, so loved, so worthy… I have been involved in a lot of Jo’s work but was never affected by energy… These workshops were different for me, I started to feel a buzzing in my ear, as I continued to listen to the recordings—- sometimes all three one after the other—— the buzzing changed to a feeling I can only describe as a vortex… as if the energy were entering my brain via my left ear… I experienced beautiful images and colors… green and pink in my heart region… purple, blue, and white/gold in my brain region. I want every person in the universe to experience this… Thank you Jo for making the series available for us all.”
“I wish to share my gratitude for these recent Abundance Workshops 1 & 2. Today was my 2nd time listening to #2. Words can barely express what I received. I felt soft vibrations of energy flowing through my brain and entire body. I got to see all the colors surrounding my brain. It was awesome, and while in the pituitary an angel in violet appeared. I got to also go inside the pineal gland and swim like a dolphin. As you talked us upward a flow of white/yellow/gold energy gently moved upward and spread far out like branches of a tree. Disney World couldn’t hold a candle to this experience and all this for such a small amount of money requested. YOU ROCK!”
“I just received The Light Wand and I used it while doing another modality called Access Bars. The energy run even more dynamic! How does it get any better than this?”
“I use The Light Wand on anything having to do with muscles, strains, pulls, twists etc. It releases pain from various ailments over multiple age groups.”
“I was starting to come down with a cold/fever/sore throat last night. I spent 20 – 30 minutes focusing The Light Wand directly on my throat and several acupuncture points for clearing dampness, phlegm and heat. I went to sleep with my throat feeling completely better. I woke up this morning not feeling any fever and just have a few sniffles. Thank you!”
“I am active and can get concerned over scrapes, aches, pains, stiffness, inner organs and my own emotions where I may feel anxious, depressed, hyper, angry and confused seemingly at the same time. Thus, I use The Light Wand early and often and then go about living. I feel it’s calming to know that The Light Wand is connected to Life Force Energy and I’ve done what I can in the moment. I continue to be healthy and active which is a blessing. The Light Wand gives me extra Inner strength to keep going which I consider a miracle. Thank you, Jo.”
“I bought The Light Wand because I’ve had soft tissue damage going on for a year and a 1/2 now. I have prolotherapy treatments every month or so.  So now in between treatment I’ve been using The Light Wand on my back and effected area and the pain is subsiding some. I’ve also used it more recently when feeling lightheaded, and it definitely made a difference. I also fell on my knees because of our new puppy and while it’s not a pretty site, I have absolutely no pain whatsoever. I’ve used The Light Wand to treat my husband’s acute back pain, which also worked successfully.”
“I have used The Light Wand on my mom’s COPD, and issues related to it (bad cough and hoarse voice). I do this remotely by using her photograph. It has been amazing. Her chronic cough is almost gone and her voice is much stronger. I am also using it on her lung cancer but don’t have results about that until she has her next CT scan.
I am also using The Light Wand remotely on a friend’s painful knees. She has fibromyalgia in both knees and she now finds that the pain is SO much less (sometimes the pain is just a twinge). She is amazed by The Light Wand just like my mom is!
Thanks for such a wonderful tool, Jo!”
[ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTE: This person has attended The Advanced Light Wand course which gives the ability to use The Light Wand remotely by using a photograph.]
“Thank you Jo for this wonderful tool! I have many amazing things happen when using The Light Wand.
My chronic shoulder pain is a mere twinge these days which is easily fixed by a minute or two with The Light Wand. I now have no pain when I go to bed and wake up refreshed!
I also use The Light Wand everyday on my elderly parents (remote) with wonderful results. Their aches and pains have lessened and digestive issues have also settled down.
A couple of days ago, my sister called with a severe allergic eyes and migraine, I worked on her picture for a few minutes and the symptoms dissipated as we we were speaking.
(I have everybody’s permissions of course!)
Much gratitude for your love Jo.”
[ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTE: This person has attended The Advanced Light Wand course which gives the ability to use The Light Wand remotely by using a photograph.]