Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $18.00.

Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited.

Breaking Free from Excess Weight is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date.

Jo designed this workshop to help you ease your body back to a healthier size and shape that is just perfect for you! As you shed excess body weight and watch your physical appearance improve, there is an additional benefit to this. The Energy Processes in this workshop helps you also drop excess emotional baggage along the way.

What a simple and powerful way to get back into shape, and live life with more Lightness of Being!

[Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]


Breaking Free From Excess Weight – Audio Download for Computer or Smart phone and Tablet.

What People Are Saying About the Breaking Free From Excess Weight Workshop

“The Breaking Free From Excess Weight has really made a difference and I wanted to share that with you and express my Gratitude. I’ve struggled for 40 years with excess weight having lost and gained 30 to 60 lbs. 4 times. I didn’t want to try again but I ‘find’ myself making the changes I need to and going for the food that’s healthier without any to-do about it! I’m simply being more grateful for me and my body and have an innate desire to feed and move it in ways that are more nurturing and loving. I couldn’t access that before and now I can. I have NO cravings. So awesome and I needed to share and express my gratitude. Thank you!!”


“I just have to thank you so much for all that you do. I just experienced my first “Breaking Free” workshop for Weight Loss, and WOW — I feel incredibly different in terms of what I am naturally choosing for foods (my sugar craving has just tanked away to nearly nothing) as well as how I am feeling about the stresses in my life! I come into my center much more quickly and am already beginning to feel more peaceful about my life. It’s just an incredible shift that in my mind I did not fully believe it could/would happen for me as a result of energy work – especially for this stubborn, persistent weight and issues of well-being which have plagued me. It’s good to know my own doubts are irrelevant when it’s time for a healing to occur.”



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