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This book is an amazing way to create change in your life. The words and the book itself, are all energized to help you create the change in your life you desire.
It is a step-by-step discovery of growth into Spiritual Awakening and features Jo’s insightful and profound wisdom as she shares her gifts to assist and empower each person into living from new levels of freedom and Spiritual Awakening.

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The Spiritual Guide is an energized book. Receive transformational energy work as you read.

How To Use This Book

This book is an amazing way to create change in your life. The words and the book itself, are all energized to help you create the change in your life you desire. The Energy of Transformation directly from Source is carried with the words and assists you to have a more joyful, abundant and happy life.

In addition, the book itself, even without reading it, is radiating this same powerful Source Energy. You can help create the change you desire merely having the book near you. So keep it with you in your car or your purse or briefcase, on your night stand, next to your computer or wherever you spend your time.

There are many ways to use this book and receive the energy besides just keeping it close to you. You can enjoy it as a book and read it cover to cover, at your own pace. When you finish the book you can begin again. Each time you read a page, you will discover new layers of information and support, which you are sure were never there before. Other people will enjoy just reading a page each night.

For those who have listened to Jo Dunning or her recordings, you will soon recognize in this book, her simple language, gentle tones and loving support, as you read her words. You may even notice it seems as if she is actually talking to you as you gently hear the sounds of her kind wisdom and uplifting Truth.

You can also use this book to assist with questions or concerns in your life. To do this, just bring your question or concern to mind, then open the book wherever you want and read a paragraph or two. You will be surprised as you soon discover, the perfect insight or idea, which is available to you in this way.

Enjoy this book and begin to experience for yourself, the many ways in which it can assist your life.

Function: Energized book and words to help you create a more joyful, abundant and happy life.

Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″

Additional information

Weight .80 lbs
Dimensions 5.50 × 8.50 × 0.50 in
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