Prayer Flags

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $9.00.

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Set of Seven Flags: Designed and energized by Jo Dunning, these flags are commonly referred to as Prayer Flags, reminiscent of the traditional Tibetan style. Jo liked to call them Life Changing Flags to reflect the positive changes these flags create for your Body, Mind and Spirit.

Each of the flags in this set features the classic symbol of one of the seven chakras and its corresponding color. Root Chakra (red); Sacral Chakra (orange); Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow), Heart Chakra (green); Throat Chakra (blue); Third Eye Chakra (indigo); Crown Chakra (violet).

These flags makes a gorgeous addition to any room in your home or to your work place, adding Source Energy to your surroundings. They look particularly lovely hanging in a window where the light can shine on and through the very delicate, yet vibrantly colored fabric.

Note: Jo Dunning’s audio CD, Getting Life to Cooperate, will be added to your order as a FREE thank you gift. (A $97 value.) 


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SKU: PF Categories: , Tags: , ,


Set of Seven Flags: Designed and energized by Jo Dunning, to help bring about positive changes for your Body, Mind and Spirit.

SIZE: Each flag measures 3 inches x 4 inches. The hemmed top makes it easy to slide the flags onto the cord (included). To maintain the desired spacing between each flag, a loose knot can be tied in between each one.

Additional information

Weight 0.375 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in
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