Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $18.00.

Jo Dunning developed her unique BREAKING FREE process to energetically help set you free from the ways you have become limited.

Breaking Free from The Past is now fully updated with the most laser focused frequencies available to date.

When we go through various challenges in life, we often carry that stress and energetic imprint with us long after the challenging incident is over. That stress can continue to shape our expectations in very limiting ways.

We have all had times when we were disappointed, heart broken, betrayed, misunderstood, unloved, discouraged, hurt, lonely and so many other experiences. These can continue to influence us even after we have moved on in life and perhaps don’t even remember them.

Now more than ever, the Breaking Free process can help you become free of those old experiences and limitations and once more begin to enjoy a fresh new start at life.

[Download the version according to your device: Computer or Smart Phone & Tablet]

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Breaking Free From the Past – Audio Download for Computer or Smart phone and Tablet.

What People Are Saying About The Breaking Free Series

“I want to share thanks and gratitude for The Breaking Free Series, it makes growth accessible, hands-on and peaceful.”


“About an hour after the event a cloud lifted and I felt so much heart energy. It was as if Source was always there in everyone, like a secret that just suddenly unveiled itself.”



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